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Being in Alignment

What is being in alignment?

When you have that ongoing feeling that something isn't quite right whether you're stuck in a relationship, or a career or somewhere that leaves you feeling out of sorts it's a signal for you to do some work or to make some important changes.

When we live out of alignment it leaves us not feeling physically well or in various negative states of mind.

Being spiritually aligned is to achieve enlightenment where you feel a unity with all there is and understand the spiritual laws that are beyond the 3D. It brings all of your energy and strength together, focused on one path - the path to living your purpose.

To be spiritually aligned you need your physical body, your mind, and soul to be in harmony. When our physical bodies are in alignment with our etheric body (our life force, our aura, our energy field) we can then experience the expression of our soul walking towards our purpose and experience the oneness with God/Source/Higher Self.

By aligning your energy to a higher vibration you will notice yourself shifting to a more content state of being.

Staying in alignment can be the challenge but as we grow and evolve we learn the ways to achieve this more consistently.

Here are just some of the signs that you are in alignment:

- You feel happy and optimistic most of the time

- You feel less in your mind and feel more with your heart

- You trust and follow your intuition

- You feel guided by this inner knowing and purpose

- Creativity and inspiration just flow right through you

- You see number sequences often and in the most incredible ways, such as 11:11, 22:22, 12:34, 21:12, 333, 888, 555, all providing you with universal messages, guidance, and energy.

- You are coming up with new ideas and ways to improve areas of your life

- You feel an undeniable trust and have such faith in your choices even though you are well out of your comfort zone

- You crave healthier more nutritious foods

- You see the beauty in everyone

- You appreciate all the small things in life

- You feel blessed and grateful for your life

- You effortlessly set boundaries

- You honour your health and wellbeing

- You ditch bad habits and negative behaviours

- You feel at peace with your past

- You feel less triggered and reactive

- You feel excitement for the future with a knowingness it will all work out

- You put you first and take good care of yourself

- You look at mistakes and any challenges as opportunities to grow

- People and opportunities come into your life

- You witness many manifestations and synchronicities

- You understand and enjoy the power of the present moment

- You feel moments of bliss, euphoria, peace, and harmony

- You have lots of energy most of the time

- Things keep working out for you

- You attract people on a similar path

- Rest and relaxation call out to you

- You no longer try to do it all

- You feel at peace with the way you look

- You feel many higher vibrational feelings and emotions

- You tap into and enhance your psychic abilities


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